Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Does Reasonable Mean In Lease

Hunting ...

That moment of extreme tension, the lungs about to burst, the brain desperately starved of oxygen but the wait is prolonged, all muscles are contracted, the finger on the trigger seems to have its own life ... till at shooting with incredible strength ... and it all ends, a fish in the sea in less than a fantastic time in more ... There is only your ego hunter, everything else disappears ...

Creative Commons License
Hunting by Emanuele Bignardelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .
Based on a work-at publication .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Emu Cleaner Und Conditioner

Family della Scala - a little 'history

For Arturo della Scala we owe much for his efforts in reconstructing the origins of the family.

He is engaged in this work with the large research that we leave because everything is explained by the author in a publication that is the result of research carried out.

He uses as a starting point a document found by his sister Elena in the documents of the house. Funeral oration written by the theologian Ascone Francesco della Scala and dated 1871. It 'clear that this is not my grandfather, but of his own ancestors. The paper dell'Ascone is also interesting from the historical point of view because retraces the history of the country Cinquefrondi.

publish the work of my uncle Arturo.

S. Intendant of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

funeral oration by the great-grandson Arthur

GRAPHIC ARTS [Fear - VIA Fezzan. 21123 - TEL. 83.11.13 (1


very sorry
uncertainty of

honor his memory and his name
To relieve your very real sorrow
only consolation



my fellow
is true that the strength of spingemi to express the present and the future these few words. The name of the illustrious countryman Scale binds to a dual concept, namely the concept of his country, and that of his compatriots. - As to the first, Cinquefrondi, located in southern Calabria, at the History of Greeks, and Calabria was, from time immemorial, a country of no small importance. Diver, reserving for another writing all that now I have to leave you hungry, it draws its origin and foundation of the ancient Locresi, afterwards increased by the ruins of old-growth Tauriana, and derives its etymology or its five towers, or five-door which formerly had, or rather, from the five countries scattered around, which then merged into one. Over the centuries there kind of far removed esistea an ancient Temple sacred to the goddess Persephone, Apollo and the Muses, and it was just what, in the happy days of Christianity, was restored, enlarged and consecrated to St. Leonardo, and then assumed the title of holy Church lofty Queen of the Most Holy Theotokos Rosario. Enabled once the Apostle Paul went to preach to the people in Reggio the Kingdom of God, this country was one of the first of these places to embrace the true and divine religion, and that was the reason that the names of villages around spogliaronsi pagans, and took names Saints, like St. Demetrius S. Lorenzo, S. Elia, and S. Pantaleon, whose villages are now only ruins. This country had two monasteries in its territory, and a castle, of which there are now a few walls and part of the ruined buildings, which, like many houses suffered severe damage and damage to the shocks of the earthquake of 5, 7 and March 18, 1783. He also has an extensive Monte Charity for orphan maidens set to 'August 4, 1702 by the Marquis D. Giffone Ferdinand of Aragon, who later joined by other property left by Macedonia and Benevento. Finally Cinquefrondi has five churches, attending a college of canons, which was built in March 1673 to '26, as well as since May 1834 was elevated to Chief place of Environment, said today mandate, and, according to current statistics, accounts 5600 souls. The home of the deceased, then of the scale is onninamente obscure although, to tell the truth, is not the place that honors the person, but the virtues that ennoble the person's place.
In order then to his compatriots, abbenché so far I have not had the good fortune to find all the truthful documents relating to the ancient characters of Sciences, Letters and Arts, which honored my country, but the documents of times closer to us, and just two centuries in here, meeting a lot of people on staff, who left a very good reputation for their teaching, and they easily potrebbonsi collect manuscripts, documents to prove with scientific and literary, as intelligence of this country knew well at different times to follow the movement and the general progress of human knowledge: and so, or it could be done with a critical assessment of their work in a magazine, or at least a compendium of biographical notes, as some more and some less than they were paid more than the profession of science, in literature and classical studies in severe weather. Waves I, leaving to the word of the living, I think to please my contemporaries with a nod to the most distinguished men, which may serve to awaken in the present and future generations of genius into the flame of this young mother fruitful not mediocre minds. And I enjoy the mind as to mark passage of only the names of those who were distinguished for literary and scientific studies. First section, including the priests, the art of saying, and various other knowledge, distinguished Abbot D. Giovan Battista Macedonio, Dr. D. Giulio Bruni Archpriest Deputy Diocesan Bishop of the Vicariate of St. PEL George, the archpriest D. Antonio Longo, Archpriest D. Michele Guerrisi, Father Master Ascone which, in the old Dominican Convent of Radicena, he taught philosophy and theology Fra Vincenzo Armentano afterwards elevated to Bishop of Miletus, the Father Archpriest of Laureana Master Dominic Mercurio, who left a huge volume written in Latin containing various treaties of Anthropology, Logic, Natural History of Physics and Astronomy, written by the method of his time: the more, the Archpriest D. Liborio Argirò who left many writings preacher, Canon Lawyer D. John Guerrisi, Canon D. Michelangelo Ascone, Canon D. Pasquale Gerace, the two deacons, young people of piercing wit, D. Michele Ascone and D. Francesco Loschiavo affected by untimely death, and, among others, D. Francesco Saverio Panetta Archpriest of Radicena, which in 1859 sent a printed collection of sermons and panegyrics called the Mystic Mountain. Among the musical artists, had the name Canon D. Filippo Zerbi famous performer of lyrical, Canon D. Peter Gallucci PEL Canto Fermo and Fratto, called the Chaplain D. Priest Luigi Ferrari, composer of sacred music and founder of a Philharmonic. Lawyers had the reputation among the Doctors D. Nicola Maria Benevento, D. Francesco Chitti, D. James Tropea, D. Manfroce son Antonio and D. Raphael, D. Paul Albanian, D. Francesco Sandulli, D. John Guerrisi, D. Michael Loschiavo, and his son D. Judge Gaetano district prisons. Between doctors and surgeons, the doctors had pride physical D. Francis Rodino, D. Xavier Tropea, D. Giuseppe Antonio and D. Charles suffers, D. Condoluci Michelangelo and his son D. Bruno, D. Vincenzo Mammola, D. James Ferraro, D. Francesco Colloridi and D. Young Caramel Papasidero. Trai I noticed, besides the four Apostolic Notari D. Giovan Battista Scree, D. Domenico Chitti, D. Domenico Antonio Benevento, and D. Giovan Tommaso Tropea, for two centuries in here I noticed there were the Condo, Sanija, Protests, Longo, Fazzari, Condoluci, Dromme, Pepper, Pinnarò, Ido, Panetta and others.
And here, for it involves the narrowness of my little research, lying in a short home page of history, in which, to tell the honest, do not get the last place in the late Della Scala, the protagonist of this funeral laudazione, pei public who supported particular Office with decorum and applause. Potrebbonsi on ethnographic research to establish this connection, topographical, archaeological, and Numismata, as well Might they be about the extent and geological status of the territory, and historians of different periods according to the various cultures that took place in this Province, as of Might they be equal to sign of the state industrial and commercial, agricultural and other local specialties, but for now everything is alien to my present understanding. But I close my speech with this small tribute of gratitude and love that I made this my home. Vir
religiosus, ac limons Douma. Apostles, Chapter X.
Gentlemen, in the presence of majesty God's the only real distinction that can offer up to the benefit of man, is the praise that inspires the word of the Divine Religion. Any other kind of praise that is not ephemeral enterprise, a compartment noise. Diver, the Universal History of the peoples commends thousand characters of a transcendent nobility, large size, an invincible heroism, and pays their resounding praise and applause, but whoever has anything disdainful of wisdom says, and this is a true glory? - Between the turn of centuries and generations, I saw the might of King grandeggia superb, of emperors, conquerors, heroes, saw rising sublimate crowns and scepters, and among the multitude of flags brandished triumphant advance, and shining shields, helmets and flashing ... I was contemplating a lot of entertainment, when suddenly beheld the vision fade, and saw only a great pyramid of smoke, which dileguavasi through the air little by little, and heard only one voice, look! Where is the glory of the great of the earth? - Then I saw, in a broad field, and many volumes of wisdom placed, and codes of human law, and hieroglyphs, and oracles of sofi, and pages of letters, and masterpieces by artists. I thought the studies and works of many centuries, when suddenly a consuming fire powder converted these volumes and those monuments, and the dust, the breath rippling kite fell like mist in amplitude of the ocean! - Ah! Death and Time oscuraron the light of the thrones and academies; Fell and prune it from the top to the monarchs and Savants wreaths and laurels: Death and Time trionfaron of men, their victories and their fame! O most Sacred Religious daughter of God! You alone scatter rays of true glory: you alone among the sons of men can make imperishable memory, praise. Yes, Lord, shines the light of divine religion, and here's the man grow PEL wonderful interweaving of the human with the divine, the visible coll'invisibile of coll'infinito finished, time coll'eternità here is the God of Providence, that all men and all of humanity directs conforms to the archetype of his eternal design advice here is to shine new light on the letters, the sciences, arts, the holy law and justice, and all human laws radiance of the glory that emanates from the supreme Law of God here is short, the human power vivified by the Power of God, the human wisdom irradiala the Wisdom of God, the moral goodness of 'man brought to life by the goodness of God, and man's life informed by istessa Life of God - This is the true glory, this is the real praise. It is only religion that places coll'Increato Created in communication, and life in this place with life: it is the only religion that on the tomb of man shines that bright beam that seals the immortality of praise here, and goes to sinking in that ocean of light in sfolgoreggia fullness of palingenesis.
- Assuntomi, Gentlemen, the task of turning Funeral Eulogy in memory of the excellent countryman Francesco Della Scala I am no coward you mescer adulation from the ashes of the departed, and the tremendous mystery of the altar. I know that the sun has its spots, and the apple of God scovre spots even in his angels. But I can not preterite that throughout the long period of his life distinguished him so well: the character of a religious man, for whom he had character and good family man, and worthy citizen of his country, and incorruptible administration of justice, prompt and guardian of the public good. But deign to hear me graciously, and Life Francesco Della Scala (as the state is capable of fragile creature), we consider the return dear life worthy of a truly religious man who feared God: Vir religiosus timens Deum ac - in a word, the true concept of the Christian citizen. - After a breath.
Francesco Della Scala begins to solace the aura of life to 24 April of the year one thousand eight hundred. Parents and noble Gl'illustri Dr. D. Nicola Maria della Scala and Da Giuseppa Florimo, one of this place, and the other S. Giorgio Morgeto, not frappor Veruno delay, expressed the pious wish that the baby had the good fortune of well-soon will receive the sacrament which is a door of faith - the path that leads to salvation: and you, or supreme ARCANGIOLI of God or angels who have custody of this sacred temple, you heard you in the spirit of the Catholic Church, which yields eternal life, and in the name of the holy triad receive eternal life immortal washing of regeneration. It is, therefore, the magnificence of religion that sanctifies its first stirrings, and the sight of this most sacred child of God does not ask yourself crafts motto of his birth by noble people, nor that Enarr the long genealogy, since neither the nobility nor the merits of their ancestors, nor the privileges of the blood have the slightest value in the presence of the Most High. The nobility is placed in the one and only virtue, he also sang a poet of paganism, and we, who are informed the spirit of the Catholic faith, we can express the concept with wisdom, and say that the one and only nobility is in our happy adopted children of God, and divine inheritance of everlasting glory. - But Francesco Della Scala had yielded very perilous time in the home. He sees in the midst of two centuries, the eighteenth century to an unholy evil philosophy of unbelief in the delirium boasts of having brought down the foundations of all kinds and of all ancient beliefs and sacred civil and that the nineteenth century, source from an abyss of errors, horrified at the sight of the immense ruins, look piteously at the sky and prays that the breath quickens the faith of religion, society and customs. It was the era in which the blindness of the spirits called strong, but in reality the weakest, he preferred the Bible Homer, Virgil S. Augustine, Horace S. Giovan Chrysostom, Ovid S. Ambrose, in short, the folly of paganism to the majestic sublimity of Christianity. It was the most terrible period of the struggle of the two centuries between irreligion and belief, heterodoxy and orthodoxy, cruelty and philanthropy, the false and the true, ugly and beautiful, useful and 'honest, good and evil. Among all the confusion of ideas and principles opens the young intelligence of him, and aims wrapped in a horrible caosse all intellectual, moral, religious, civil, social. But what? In the midst of such stir Francesco Della Scala will not be a good citizen-Gentlemen, the sanctity of the place in which I speak will not let me share with you the sentences of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Cicero, I invoke the wisdom of people much more positive and speak for themselves: these are the Ambroggio, the Agostini, the Grisostomi, the Girolami, the Bernardi: they teach us that the true integrity of the citizen can not exist without the true religion, that there can be no true observance of social duties without any real observance of obligations religious and that religion is the fundamental principle of all moral and civic virtues: they teach us that all the civilizing force Dimana from the bosom of divine religion. - I therefore consider religion in Francesco Della Scala as a center, which deliver, and that brings up the rays of his social virtues, I sat in the shadow of religion, I consider this a religious man than to his personality, his family, and the Company.
Compared to his personality. A triumph of so many obstacles that signoreggiavan the time, the God of Providence who attempera men to the centuries and centuries to men and to each other and leads to his designs, he has done two very effective means, that is good Parents and religious, and a great and wise Preceptor: his upbringing, his education could not be entrusted to better hands. Here you find well having mentioned my illustrious predecessor the Chiaino D. Archpriest Argirò Liborio, whose name, in our midst, is a compitissimo praise. Francesco Della Scala learns from him that is foolish the wisdom of the wicked, that all divine and human sciences are rays of the Uncreated Wisdom of God, and that true wisdom is the knowledge of God, the soul of eternity. He acted as his ingenuity and scientific literature and conduct of his time, he learns from the Italian, and that of Lazio, one and another Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Law of Nature and of nations; and always holding fast to the mind and heart to the eternal immutable principles of justice and honesty, truth, beauty, and good. The task of these studies the elementary stage to leave the country, and in Naples at the end of recas entrepreneurial professional studies of law. There, constant preserve the treasure of religious principles, and constant study of his profession, all at an academic degree courses, 19 October 1821 to obtain the Degree of Doctor in both of Law. Return to the home and with the severity of the sense clear to see that true science is not an impediment to the religious sense, and that the religious sense of nobility to the science, and sanctifies the purity of morals. And here it all the way in his life, always of a nature good, obedient to the more respectful with the equal, friendly with everyone here it is always full of modesty, decency, kindness, courtesy ...
Compared to his family. The family is a small company, and the wedding, from which it originates, according to the Catholic author of Principles of New Science, also from all the nations of the Gentiles, stimaronsi always something sacred, a solemn act of religion. Beneficial to the aura of God's religion in the May 5, 1824 Francesco Della Scala spliced \u200b\u200bMrs. D. Maria Teresa dei Marchesi Aiossa, and the God who blessed our ancestors, and clasped in Eden, which God, that, after forty centuries of corruption, appeared visible to the world, sanctified the wedding in Cana, yields indissoluble, and elevated Sacramento reason of the high-image perpetual Union between Christ and his Church, that by the grace of God they ricevon supernal blessings. And here in the domestic walls open up a new company, a new field of relationships. Francis is Chief of the Della Scala family, and a Christian family, and wife testified the worthy sons and servants, or attendants. The
worthy Consort recalls, in the company of perpetual life and mutual love, respect and loyalty to each other, and have compassion degl'individuali defects. Children ... ah! they were two children: one model of moral education, religious, civil, in the prime of life, alas! how he fell in the middle of the fierce whirl of doom! and the other, breathing with us the breezes of life, ah! He had intended to gather the last breath of the dying, and wept bitterly the loss of a parent, and in these laconic style tells us, ah! you designed the type of true paternal love to his beloved children, and that is enough. The family there remembering the example of his religious habit, which is better than any eloquent speech, the wise maxims of civilization and religion, and the readiness to give to give the stipulated reward, and his gentle manner in command, and the charm of his affection. The whole family then there is about two things very considerable, the Christian charity to the poor, and Christian devotion to the glorious Mother of God and men. He had learned well from the Ministers Religion that God is the supreme giver of goods, that the converse of S. Augustine, as we in our spiritual poverty we turn to the God of mercies, so in their body gl'indigenti INOP come to us, and this puts great care and thought that the family, including the spirit of evangelical charity, largess to all good for large hoarded treasure in heaven. He expresses his devotion to the Queen of heaven and earth, he built an altar at his own expense, and is paint pretty pictures that represent the virgin Mary in the Temple of Solomon presentatasi to devote himself to his God, and celebrates annual Triduum or novena.

To be continued: D