Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What Software Do I Use To Hack My Sidekick 09

La Torre Civica Cinquefrondi

from the site of the City of Cinquefrondi

the history of events affecting the Tower from the project to date. (Source: Historical Archives)

In 1930 the Chief Magistrate of the time, Comm FRANCIS SCALE, he commissioned an engineer Messina, Antonino Galatà that, to draft a plan for the "construction of the clock tower." The same is handed the first draft on August 20, 1930 and the project was sent for approval to the Office of the Civil Engineers of Reggio Calabria.
This is the first draft of prospectus

The first design of the Civic Tower

civil engineering in Reggio Calabria, terrremoto service, returned the dossier on October 18 1930 indicating some changes to be made, and namely the abolition of the roof and columns to support it. The amount of work initially planned 74,000.00 in Lira, Lira was reduced to 67,000.00, all eligible for the funding of additional reconstruction of the earthquake of 1908.
On March 16, 1931 the revised draft is sent back to the Prefecture and May 30, 1931 is approved by the Royal Corps of Civil Engineers, Special Office for the technical services of the earthquake ( ing. V. Pugliese).
Following referral to the Higher Council of Public Works which approves a resolution at its meeting on 27/7/1931 1864. On 01.16.1932 the Chief Magistrate
Scale approves the final draft and requires the Finance Resolution No. 2. The
22/02/1932 The project was approved by the inspector of the top Civil Engineers.
Confirmation of funding will take place on 21/6/1932 and the mayor has launched its contract with Resolution 32 of 27/8/1932. The following are two publications on the FAL (due to small irregularities in the first).
The tender is carried out on 8 / 10 / 1932 and is awarded to the firm Comm Raffaella Misiti Cinquefrondi, other participants Pietro Giordano, Joseph Giordano, Cosoleto Caramel.
opens, however, a dispute with the company awarded the contract and after a substantial exchange of letters between the Chief Magistrate, the company and the Prefect happens it is the assignment of jobs to the company Cosoleto CARAMEL BY BAGNARA, which enters into the on 18/2/1933 contract.
Meanwhile in the country commented on the project and the illustrious Pasquale Creazzo send a letter to the Mayor with some comments concerning the location of the tower, suggesting the building but not in the square at the end of the course. Following a meeting convened by the Mayor and with the participation of Eng. Galata Creazzo and most prominent people of the country.
On 4/24/1933 received a request from the Federal Secretary of the beam for the application of two large bundles on the base of the tower and a bell to be used for exhibitions.
L '1/6/1933 jobs are delivered, the date for completion eight months.
this work the final prospectus

final prospectus

Jobs are completed on 4/30/1934 (granted an extension) and tested by Ing. Venza Cav. Vincent Messina of Civil Engineers. The work at the end
coast Lira 74,806.36 and the final state was adopted by Resolution No. 60 of the Podesta 28/11/1936 Cav. Francesco Pasquale (Della Scala in the meantime had died prematurely).
last of the work was followed by a second variant of expertise in which it was intended to be recast in the staircase adjacent to the tower and access to the Church. This variant was not funded due to lack of funds by the Civil Engineers. So it appeared the tower when the work is completed (picture from a postcard traveled in 1938).


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