Monday, April 14, 2008

How To Extend My Outlets For Tile

Changes ...

Those steps on that journey lasted so long ...
Those indelible imprints, left early in the deepest memories ...
always looking towards the horizon, so full of hope, frightened by everything that ever was aimed at scrutinizing the already paths, without any fear of going beyond the narrow limits so much feared and desired.
The antics of the minutes, hours, spent in a trickle of sweat and a dissonant note, so different from other remote, natural melodies. That
wake immortalized by the events of the road ...
The incessant tiredness that more and more, the pain grew inside ...
A tumult of emotions so difficult to take with him on that road ...
The palpable inadequacy of that direction ...
... all that load increased the hope that more and more, the feeling of being able to go that route, that direction ...
Everything was combined and brought back as a burden, as an inevitable baggage think now too ....
All the chaos of feelings, emotions, hopes, fears and useless fact ...
finally coming to an end ... the change was at the door, waited, afraid ... But
inevitable and terrible ...
A drop of ink fell into ruin on the expanse of white cellulose, which was now inevitable flexing, bending here and there in the words of life ...
was now all happened ...
The old pages had been covered by the new one, and only a faint tracing of the words had been engraved in the paper ...
A new white expanse, pure and full of infinite directions was born ...
A new page was being written ...

Creative Commons License
Changes ... by Emanuele Bignardelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .


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