Thursday, April 10, 2008

Punta Cana Best Singles

A flash of hope ...

coating between the bricks began to show signs of slowing ...
More about the crack looked like cement ... The wind had risen and the rain was ceasing.
is that the clouds slowly stood aside to give way under the sun ... A force so powerful and so underestimated ...
distinction is made between the notes flowing water the raids, some cheerful chirping of a solitary bird venture, whirling up in the sky ... The first rays
they made their way among grass and stones, since the construction ... trafigerla and almost wanted to leave the entity beyond the block ...
the wind dropped suddenly ... Time seemed to stop ... even the lone bird was silence ... and a noise ... more vibrant and impressive making its way through the paths of the unnatural calm, set ...
The notes were sung by the water and roaring louder and louder ... quell'indeciso sunshine was still nearer and more threatening ...
The beam came to the construction ... and everything stopped ...
was silence ... the only true silence, the 'silent water ... the waiting was exhausting ... everything had calmed down, in that moment of tension ...
The beam moves ... The roar of 'water roared its fury ... the building gave way and everything is reversed, the momentum of the flow of water was likely to sweep it all away from his path ... making room in its path ... and involving the debris in a perverse dance ... The dam gave way and the old dried up river was reborn, with more vigor than before. The death and relived everything was in a confused order ... The momentum did not stop ... invaded all excited and involved all the senses ...
Till that so radius began to retreat ... the clouds wanted to exclude the sun from the game lasted all too ... without a good reason ... without any sense ... The water was beginning to run out .. reduced to a faint, small and discontinuous flow so ... There was no trace of the happy bird ... All died .. annoyed ... The land was full of cracks ... plants withered once so lush ... everything ended ... everything at the end of more ... was getting the better ...
That small, isolated ravine time had come to an end, had a few moments of life ...
The end had come ... the dark and the light does not exist anymore ... all had ceased to exist ... Everything except the despair and awareness of this wall there ... of the dam ... which in reality was never fall ...
was all over ... broken like nothing.

Creative Commons License
A flash of hope by Emanuele Bignardelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .


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