Saturday, April 3, 2010

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not cry-jerk Amedeo Romeo (ISBN 2010)

by Alessandro Pascale

first novel Amedeo Romeo (formerly author and theater director and translator and author of books for children and teens) is a really explosive stuff and popping: a machine-gun pace, look youthful engaging language, surrealism and going with a literary technique that elaborates Italic precarious fresh stream of consciousness British once (Joyce, Wolf, etc.). The story of Andrea Morini, not more than thirty years old young man who spends his days in absolute torpor, getting excited in seeing any pregnant woman and the smell of the creams for stretch marks from their used, is a story that could be nasty at first recall the more crystalline mold Bukowski. And 'in fact only partly right, because if it is true that there are detailed descriptions of sexual fantasies and sexual experiences masturbation (sensational one in which the hero touches sinking it in a bathtub and singing the Internationale under water) and complete ( numerous relationships with Lena, the eight month pregnant woman that will bind him in a very special relationship), we must also acknowledge the profound pop poetry and narrative rhythm that permeate many passages of the work, giving it a touch of class remarkable sophistication. The true distance but Bukowski is existentialism and psychology underlying and constantly subject to question, not sure where the American author had little, preferring to focus on a descriptive dry and confident.
The real added value of the work is the construction of a complex and varied as the protagonist apparently misfit, unable to maintain a regular lifestyle, immature, irresponsible, selfish, probably filled with psycho-sexual disorders (would be a woman and have the experience of motherhood) Andrea Morini is the mirror of a generation of thirtysomethings who went much further than their peers of the Last Kiss, totally rejecting the bourgeois lifestyle in all its forms, not only in the traditional social-religious family with his wife and children. He left two different girls pregnant and then abandon them immediately. He lost every dream, passion or illusion that your life can give him something good. Its total abandonment of rationality meditated at the expense of a primitive and savage "instinctive" animal contrasts sharply with the rigidity and rules of the surrounding society and are a recurring motif that creates a hilarious comic effect. The finish is symbolic and marks the conclusion of a long training course lasted two decades, after which the hero regains his dignity as a man, and prepares to finally address the liability of that world without selling off all of its individual nature and anarchic, but finding in Lena, also in some way detached from some "classical canons," the right balance to retrieve a sociability and sense of value of basic human relationships. Do not cry jerk is a work that will make you die laughing, you sometimes nonsense, then you maybe even a shiver of disgust, but if you're open-minded you can not not appreciate it. Note: Refrain wasters and clerical reactionary bigots.


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