To promote and encourage the use of Google Adwords by a bigger audience, the giant is sending mail from some coupon worth 75 € used to advertise its blog, website or business.
Offer Valid until 31/05/10 and can be activated by inserting the appropriate code, which we find on the coupon on our Adwords account. Few minutes and we will be credited to the euro gift.
is the second promotion of this type created by Google, who obviously knows how to make good his bills ... This is in fact the conditions of use:
- The Adwords account must not be older than 14 days . Clearly, Google does not give money to people who use its existing advertising service, but just wants to get new members.
- To activate your account you have to pay 5 € , which can be scaled from 75 by selecting the post-pay by credit card otherwise, should be deducted from an initial deposit of 10 €, which is required for activation.
attention to the first option, the most convenient, once credit is depleted, costs will be deducted directly from our paper! is good to be careful to set both the maximum daily spending limit that an end date for the campaign: setting, for example, 7 € for 10 days, we will be safe in any case does not run into extra expenses.
The offer is valid? It can be. All in all, take some 'time to prove not costs nothing, and if the coupon is here, might as well use it. With regard to effectiveness, well ... most of the most searched keywords (and thus may bring more visits) costicchia, € 70 and risk not getting more than 40-50 clicks.
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