Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancake Mix Make Biscuits

Permanence and oblivion - From Greece to us through the watercolors of Enzo Paudice

Saturday, June 21 has been opened exhibition of watercolors entitled "The permanence and the neglect" of the artist Vincent ebolitano Paudice. Seventeen works in recent years, notes of travel in Greece that the author does annually, to discover what remains of the Greek poleis. A path of love for the culture that guides the artist in search of the origins of our own society. The experience of traveling and contemplating these beautiful places is sublimated in the development of watercolor paintings in your studio. And following the path proposed in the exhibition will discover a living world, not because of archaeological finds, but of active accounts, of a past always observed in connection with this. And 'this marriage never dissolved between past and present that characterizes a iperpositiva exhibition of Vincent Paudice. The hand of modern man is found on sites but does not upset the meaning, which remains indelible in the culture of our time, and often forgotten is bound to a particular culprit superficiality age of consumerism. Reconstructing invisible routes, the works become a source of debate and reflection. The Greeks were throughout their history, the great inventors and shapers of political communities. Any modern society derives from them the seed of democracy. That democracy itself is now offended every day, if not renounced, in by-laws amended directly by high-backed chairs of parliament. Unfortunately not always the history of institutions, and history itself, progress in the case of the direct heirs of the Magna Grecia it is certainly weakened. On one point, more than others: the active political participation by all the people.
It suggests an article by Giorgio Bocca di Repubblica published on Friday in which the well-known journalist criticizes harsh towards Campania, who defends the land on which he lives from the perils "death" of a landfill. Bocca says: "But what do these Sophists of Ancient Greece that have not only allowed the racket to become the government, but also argue that it is convenient to go along with this show of disrespect? .." Sophist who is betting everything on rhetoric, relying on his consent. Sophist is the demagogue. Sophist is one who speaks, many times, knowing fool. I'm sorry that Giorgio Bocca stamps resistance Neapolitan that period. Framing these events rather than to rebel against a backdrop of last survival instinct of the people: physical survival (it is known, a landfill is not good for the lungs), but also civilian survival, by those who have always lived in a difficult situation by paying the penalties and misfortune. Campania is the guardian of the incomparable history. Pithecusa, today's island of Ischia, is the oldest greek settlement in Italy, dating from the eighth century BC is one of Paestum most important archaeological parks in Europe. The school sophistry has run its course and now lives of lawyers at the hearings and speeches of politicians. Instead, what we must extrapolate from the greek world, such as gold from a mine, is the habit of democracy, a broad and passionate commitment to politics. Pericles wrote: "An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs, but also is not concerned with public affairs to work out their private matters." Just look at the current political situation in order to understand the importance of the message and greek how far back we are from that company!


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