beginning there was the grass. A flood walls. There were tree branches, to pierce the story. The scenario has changed. Thanks to the director of the Museum of Paestum, Marina Cipriani. The walls were recovered in the first leg. One hundred meters, a grind of the marathon. The entire perimeter is 5 miles, something less. The first intervention was concluded. The result is pure entertainment, testimony of three ancient civilizations of way. In the beginning there were the Greeks, they know many. Then came the Lucan, the most "discrete". Then the Romans, the first Republican, then the imperialists. Each of them has left a mark. A layer of walls. A street. A house, a temple, an ornament. Testimonials are all different. Discovered almost by "chance" in cleaning up the walls: "testimonies submerged, until a few years ago," he recalls, with satisfied smile, Marina Cipriani. Dr. stubborn, fighting the neglect of time, ignorance of the politicians and the stupid controversy. There was the brambles. The branches. Weeds. Work began in 2003. One year after the first batch was returned to its former glory. Now began the second. One hundred meters in history, scenery and theatrical magic. The project dates back to the previous fascist. It was the thirties, how they proceeded with macaroni. The work began today on the door siren, will continue for a long time, with European funding and state. The intervention began with cataloging. Nonsense, one would think, in the Internet, where computers lord it. Another Herculean effort, for several reasons: "The blocks of the wall must be separated. They are of different ages. These walls tell the story of three civilizations." The hanging is photographed and cataloged, on the outside and inside. You dig, it lists and notes. The walls speak, the old streets as well. There is a residential town in the east, towards the sea. And there is a religious city, including temples and small cemeteries. The first sign of civilization is the sixth century BC. There is a Greek street. The interior of the sacred material, with small shrines. Everyone loved his god. "During the excavation, we discovered ten layers between the Greek and Roman times," says Marina Cipriani. Digging in Paestum is like drilling in Kuwait. In the sixth century BC the Greeks were. In the fourth, the Etruscans. In the first century AD, are clear traces of the Roman Empire. But there are even more ancient findings: "After digging digging, we came across a hut of the Bronze Age. Under the walls of Porta Siren, appear abundant traces of the shrine and its patrons: miniature vases, small jewelry, cosmetics. At 200 meters into the sea are the old houses, "are old imperial apartments are chic. Go back to Imperial Rome. We have little evidence of the Lucan case." Greek residences on the other hand, the checks continue. The team consists of Dr. Cipriani 4 4 architects and archaeologists. There are new graduates of the University of Salerno. With them began the second operation, Porta Sirena. The architect Voza has focused attention on the wall "is a unique spectacle. And show us the importance that they had to defend the city. "Not only history, civilization and ancient artifacts. Looking at the walls recovered in Paestum, an architect of today gets excited. The strategic framework for defense against attackers is a lesson for lovers of architecture. Completed the intervention on the walls of Porta Siren, a few years you can walk into a scene of absolute enchantment. Sirena From Porta a Porta Aurea, the director of Cipriani's ambition. Return to contemporary civilization all tracks of those who founded Paestum and the story passed down through the centuries.
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