Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mutiplycation Chart 100x100

popular sovereignty referendum in Vicenza

is approaching the date of the referendum against the U.S. military base in Vicenza.
Referendum already opposed by Prodi, which took no account of popular demand, and now by Mr Berlusconi, who seriously considered inappropriate because the referendum could not relate the two matters of foreign policy and defense. But Berlusconi also has a friendship with Bush, that is with a character that the whole world has condemned as guilty of crimes against humanity, war that has caused the unjust treatment of prisoners. But first, here

involved other reasons:
1. One reason for homeland security, that the presence of a U.S. military base at stake, especially in these times of terrorism.
2. One reason for consistency with the Constitution that rejects war, and therefore also reject cooperation with those who wage war, the supply of land means that lead to war. This happens in Vicenza.

There is also the foundation of all the principle of popular sovereignty, which politicians willingly disregard, but rather must be the bearers and performers.
Any decision concerning a territory can not be taken except in accordance with the people occupying it. And the agreement must be first, not after. We have seen the error Scanzano, who led a revolt, and that of TAV in Valdisusa. And even in the complex issue of waste in Campania, the interview and the agreement should never be lacking, however, having eliminated the interference mafia.
Lecce, 29 September 2008


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