Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yaoi Do Power Rangers

Humor minutes e. .. political racism

Melchionda administration informs the users: "We have closed the process for the industrial zone. Now need to go private. " Question: But lots are not used because they have not been revoked? And the chasm of entrepreneurs ex Ds? About lots passed from hand to hand, you shed light? We wait. With hopes seemed. Eboli had a large hospital. Among proclamations vain and empty words, politicians have written postcards of Eboli in newspapers, those of Battipaglia have made the facts. We had a health trinket. Battipaglia is behind us. Balances upside down. Will Eboli, now, the branch hospital. Stopped after three months of raids, the first suspect of the 25 fights summer. The question naturally arises. Holidays too long, the Public Prosecutor of Salerno? September racist Eboli. If I take you, I take 10 pigs and 10 Marotta. And 'the answer he was told Daniele Bonelli, timonier the city. Creeping racism? No, racism pragmatic. Corset is losing votes to the center, beating out a common "gypsy" who vote for Berlusconi, and asked the most incisive Corset dormant opposition. Racial insults, gypsy shit can not tell. But there's more. The extreme Right, the orphan Santanchè, calls for the army at Eboli. The day before there had been a robbery at a petrol station. Question: in the Agro Nocerino we send the Marines? Humor minutes. Center-left government and PDL that opposes it, have a brilliant solution: Wall St. Nicholas Varco. Cost of the transaction? Effectiveness of the operation? Words to the wind in the smoky ebolitana policy. We are with Petrillo, "give yourself a move, political ebolitani, the city is dying." Submersible incompetence, nepotism and racial verbiage.


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