Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why Do Army Wear Stetson Hat

As a cloud ...

like a solitary cloud, that floats above the mountains, the vast green expanses, fantastic visions of a time in which all people live without knowing.
floated lonely as a cloud, not better or worse than flying over it, not for a single destination, non-privileged or disadvantaged.
just floated and I was different. Different from all those who showed me as unusual, as wrong as impaired to normal.
guilty of the most serious fault of all, be punished with loneliness, tortured silence.
Constantly waiting, hovering between the ages, always looking for something ...
My soul had deteriorated and older than any other soul I ever met, despite my young age.
My essence these injuries and lacerations, to destroy any other soul. Ripped
over and over again, always closer to the end and yet still so far away.
So I just have to wait and wait ... and I waited patiently and intolerant to pain, because my spirit was strong. Tempered by the infinite pain.
But it was not always so.
Once I lived among them, among all those other men. I had relations with them, they were called friendship and love and hate, and in many other ways they were spoken.
My mind worked fervently and thoughts overlapped in my mind. My emotions and my feelings were deep, so I'd give anything to those with whom I relate.
in return receive the only thing that I deserve. I had to be punished. Lack of understanding I received from everyone. But I could not comprehend that there was something wrong with my behavior. Even then I began to understand.
was crossing the road hard and tiring it would take me to enlightenment.
One day the bonds were so strong with the men who break them would irreparably destroyed the part closest to the other of my spirit.
was the punishment he deserved. So it was back and I was punished. But the punishment has a single purpose. It is to give lessons and the only lesson that can exist is unique and indispensable, can not exist outside of this class. Since this is the only truth, the only certainty among all the doubts surrounding the men.
And she imparts this knowledge. It is the verb, the flame that animates everything that has a physical container.
ether, the universe has no rules, no truth, no false knowledge, not knowledge. There is no other, there is no normal, there is a thought who could point the way ahead.
And my understanding was punished.
Not to take the blinders, not to have preconceptions, to understand that we are all a coincidence, a set of organic matter due to some chemical reaction produces thoughts and reasoning.
The men have long established rules, tacit rules that are everywhere. Many of them advocate the freedom of their soul. Many believe they have removed the blinders off, to be truly free. It is this concept that betrays them. Everything that happens in every place and every time is just a coincidence, the thought of a man is different from that of another man just by coincidence, because both occur in different chemical processes that lead to different results. A man can decide to kill another, but he can not be blamed or accused of this act.
And it is this freedom I have. And this is my infinite guilt. My condemnation. The understanding of everything ... Many
weak minds can not conceive a life without purpose and no reason, the result of coincidence or a great combination that led to this result rather than a different one.
The only dilemma that is omnipresent in my mind, however, give my mind and tears of incurable wounds my soul.
What I call freedom, it is clear, for pure conventionalism, it is not the ultimate goal to which all aspire. Our existence has no purpose and no freedom of our being dissociated from our will. Separates us from all reports, leads us into an endless waiting, which is not in sight even more daring with the hope the end.
A perfect trap, with no possibility of escape.
And my existence is reduced to fiction and compromise.
Because they are forced to live with my self eager to be a prisoner in the same cage that deprives people of freedom. Not at all eager to see what could mean the awareness of the futility of human existence. Of thought and intellect. Prisoner of the same rules and finally able to externalize the same feelings that I have destroyed.
Like a lonely cloud that hovers seemingly carefree, seemingly closer to the ether, were found guilty and my sentence is freedom. And I'm totally a prisoner of it.

E. Bignardelli

Creative Commons License
As a cloud ... by Emanuele Bignardelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yaoi Do Power Rangers

Humor minutes e. .. political racism

Melchionda administration informs the users: "We have closed the process for the industrial zone. Now need to go private. " Question: But lots are not used because they have not been revoked? And the chasm of entrepreneurs ex Ds? About lots passed from hand to hand, you shed light? We wait. With hopes seemed. Eboli had a large hospital. Among proclamations vain and empty words, politicians have written postcards of Eboli in newspapers, those of Battipaglia have made the facts. We had a health trinket. Battipaglia is behind us. Balances upside down. Will Eboli, now, the branch hospital. Stopped after three months of raids, the first suspect of the 25 fights summer. The question naturally arises. Holidays too long, the Public Prosecutor of Salerno? September racist Eboli. If I take you, I take 10 pigs and 10 Marotta. And 'the answer he was told Daniele Bonelli, timonier the city. Creeping racism? No, racism pragmatic. Corset is losing votes to the center, beating out a common "gypsy" who vote for Berlusconi, and asked the most incisive Corset dormant opposition. Racial insults, gypsy shit can not tell. But there's more. The extreme Right, the orphan Santanchè, calls for the army at Eboli. The day before there had been a robbery at a petrol station. Question: in the Agro Nocerino we send the Marines? Humor minutes. Center-left government and PDL that opposes it, have a brilliant solution: Wall St. Nicholas Varco. Cost of the transaction? Effectiveness of the operation? Words to the wind in the smoky ebolitana policy. We are with Petrillo, "give yourself a move, political ebolitani, the city is dying." Submersible incompetence, nepotism and racial verbiage.

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the broom - Large cleaning the town of Eboli

Finally! She cried the whole people, ebolitano reading the titles of local newspapers two weeks ago: "Ramazzano policy at Eboli" The
ebolitano medium (one that "does not understand the lyric" that is bereft of "Vissi art "in favor of some new - melodic last cry, to the applause of some" pseudo - president "of some" pseudo - Association "" pseudo-culture ") once again had misunderstood.
He thought that, at the proper time, the "sheriff tricolor" in our local salsa and "his" employees had decided to charge the broom on his shoulder and go to clean up the town by the thousands of bags of "garbage" left on the road to Olevano , on State Battipaglia, etc. via Serracapilli. a photo of a photographer friend, early in the press, will announce an obvious fact to all: "The city is dirty!
But then, reading the good articles ebolitani have received a great disappointment: the political clean-up, physically half the municipal council concerned.
As always, thanks to our undercover, we are able to reconstruct in detail the dramatic day for the benefit of our readers.
The "sheriff with tricolor" in our local salsa, had spent yet another sleepless night on the roof of Town Hall. He had tried, unsuccessfully, to find any action that would allow him to make the front page of newspapers. But as the "Sheriff of Salerno" to run for president of the region, everybody talks about, and he? He had thought to erect a pillory in the Republic Square where the prostitute expose beaten in prison in Rome on the ground, unconscious, half naked and covered in dust. But the "sheriff" in Parma was unequivocal: "I still need to make the company the boy from Ghana who have beaten and put in jail. Heck, mica is a slave trader! Even the condemned in maximum security prisons, in the medieval period, this gave the opportunity to spend time with some prostitute. "
He had thought to dig a pit on viale Amendola for the stoning of the couple to exchange ebolitana caught in car Palasele effusions. But those of the company (all men Rosania?) Have argued that they had no men, so much he had thought to take a couple of workers for 3 hours. (3 hours, 3 months, is the same).
Then if they have not done anything and the two workers were "angry". Ingrates! Instead of thanking you because you "thought" to them. How do you say when you bring a gift to a party? It was enough thought. At 8:00
opens a kiosk in front of the roof and the "sheriff with tricolor" the poster reads: "Rosania is a candidate for mayor in 2010."
"Damn Pescetti All There" was the cry that rose scary (with a special order has been banned throughout the city the word "damn misery" since Anselmo Botte so titled his book, wonderful, on St. Nicholas Varco!).
The chronicles speak of broken glass, alarm fire, stunned by the awful sound of old men.
The "sheriff in tricolor" put his hand to his "pen" blue size "44 magnum" and immediately put down a document that all ebolitani, including unborn children by 2010, would have had to sign: its ricandidatura the next elections.
But that is easier to cross the entire Pacific Ocean, rowing a canoe with holes 9 and sea power, rather than obtaining the unanimous agreement within the PD, it is well known to all (even Veltroni).
happens, then, that some character of election news, landed at the PD after "stormy" in the whole constitutional crossed, reading the document, he said, making the gesture of the umbrella, in ebolitano current "tie"! and me 'nce Guaragna? "
It was the straw that broke the camel's back. The "sheriff in tricolor, black pissed off, to relax the nerves, she grabbed the broom and started cleaning the corridor in front of his office, stationed there, where three of his collaborators, to restore strength Assessorile charge, were doing a game of "Shanghai". The
broom did not distinguish between employees and sticks: broom! Enclosed in the bag (the one undifferentiated gray dry) and placed outside the gate waiting for the retreat!
the spread of the news scenes of panic went through the city. The district
Pescara were seen in mourning black women who scratched his face and wept bitterly asks, "Who will guard our security?" (Did you see that security was the commissioner? It was not an invention of Cecco . Of course, perhaps not even he knew his job so much that, it seems, when a citizen asked him if his security expertise to cover also the old center, said, "a moment that I ask! ") who perlustrerà the entire city by car with flashing light and girlfriend at his side? Terror also the brotherhood of the brick. The big question displayed in a banner across the entire Piazza della Repubblica was clear "who will give us now our daily variation in PRG?".
most harrowing scenes seems to have occurred on the road to Olevano where entire colonies of rats, proliferated in the thousands of bags of "garbage" now abandoned and terrified that someone finally was willing to remove. It seems that in the choir have sung an old song by Claudio Baglioni "Alderman not go away ...."
At first he had a rumor that "the commissioner with the ghost" had been "broom." When the rumor came back the consequences have been dramatic: according to statistics the curve of suicides in Campania in the last 50 years has touched, the learning of the denial, its highest peak.
Now the whole country is anxiously awaiting the appointment of substitutes. The vigil with candles lit one another under the "palace of power."
The "Hundred Steps" takes on a commitment to the edition of December 2009, when you think that might imply a hint of the idea of \u200b\u200ba hypothetical case as a substitute, we will post immediate reporting to our readers.
Poor Eboli! Worse than that ... If I were fire
arderei 'the world

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I do not believe you! - Letter to fellow Communist Refoundation

Dear comrades, I write this note to express a mood, without claiming to enter the debate, frankly, depressing who is accompanying Rifondazione for months and without expecting to be understood.
state of mind of a militant, born in PCI, which I joined in 1971 at 14 years, I lived the story "dissolvers" triggered by the Bolognina to join, then, since the PRC meeting in the Brancaccio Theatre Rome, since we were "Movement" with the provisional membership card in your wallet and that exceptional leader, whose name was Sergio Garavini as secretary.
In 37 years I "ate" bread and politics in the ranks of a party that explicitly drew on the values \u200b\u200bof "Communism", understood as a real movement to abolish the present state of things (other than "cultural trend" companion Bertinotti!).
With pride I played, and still I carry out the institutional functions that PRC has called me for nine years Mayor of my city, Eboli, for the first two years, the municipal council of opposition, and three and a half years of the Regional Director Campania.
Once Perhaps I should have been placed among the "middle" of the party. When there was a party organization and a selection of paintings.
The struggle to weave the threads to fill a few small armchair, the cynical use of the Regulation, "fuck" some are companion practices from which, with accuracy, I kept away.
To me, at other times, the battle had been taught that politics is the exchange of ideas, even harsh, but in a large "power unit".
So at the end of a tough debate, exasperated, had to affirm that the capacity of synthesis between different positions.
This allows a party to be united, while in a comparison that kept itself and analysis, and allows those who led the party to be, actually, the Secretary of everyone and not a part.
There was no need to propose, generously, the condition and management of a political party established in most shots.
Caro Ferrero, so we do not build a party, but the foundations were laid for a crystallization of positions and, therefore, first signs of a split (at this point would be to split the atom). But I am not surprised
del'epilogo of our (or should I say your) Congress (I followed with detachment and confusion).
was a film already seen. The party
out of a defeat of devastating proportions, which is not only political, but, unfortunately, mainly cultural.
For the first time in this post-war values \u200b\u200band culture to become hegemonic in Italy right and the left can be found, not only for the "expulsion" from the Parliament, and discharge to a marginal role.
This disaster will not be determined in a few months or two years of the Prodi government.
A reading like this, frankly, I think car acquittal of the management team that in recent years, has "built" this party in a certain way, regardless of how today is "smeared" in the various motions.
You want me to believe that the worker Mirafiori interviewed by "Liberation" after April 13 and that clearly said, "I do not even understand that the Communists about .. or say," has come to these conclusions after two years of the Prodi government, or the disappearance of the Sickle and Hammer, or the appeal to the "useful vote" veltroniana of memory?
If we had lost 2% then this interpretation could be valid. But faced with the defeat of the April 13 no! Definitely not we!
Where were the workers in the last ten years of life of the PRC?
We thought of "contaminated" with the movements. Right! But where are now the peace movement? What anti-globalization? Or that civil rights? Mistake or all closed in upon themselves?
I look around and wonder: what is the social subject that I find myself in an unavoidable conflict with the condition of capital? With the economic choices, social and cultural forces that capitalism?
today as a year ago as ten years ago.
The answer is always the same: the workers! Even more so today, when the capitalist world is shaken by a crisis comparable to that of 1929.
Of course, no longer working class understood in the traditional way! Today in the definition must be considered precarious, women are still paying the difference in general, employees who do not arrive at the fourth week, migrant workers, without rights, young people who have not yet 30/35 years the opportunity to build a future because without stable employment, those thousands of workers who had but that future has been stolen with the expulsion of the working world.
These are our social subjects of reference.
They must be able to give a concrete answer on the ground today, of employment, the plan of a different development. Which party
we have built over the years?
We do not go well the party classic "Twentieth Century"?
But what has been proposed as an alternative? The party
"light," who renounces his role as "intellectual" collective autonomy with its own design and proposed! A party
all aimed to assert its "credibility" as a "reliable ally" of the center - left in which the role of "institutional" became decisive in dealing with social issues.
Goodbye "collective intellect"! Able to discuss and discuss and to translate these discussions into a proposed policy on where to look for comparison with potential allies. A party
hypocritical, pervaded by a desire for exclusion of dissent. This
we built. How many years
fellow losers who voted motions (old bad habit that motions to the conference!) Were excluded from the governing bodies at all levels?
Strange way to select the managers, not by the value of the companions, but on the basis of reliability.
And the moral question what happened?
But you really want to persuade me that no one has taken up the "genetic mutation" that PRC was undergoing in recent years? Then he cried shame on the stage play with the cards in Congress! A culture
best companies, where the important is to handle the "power" in the party, deeply veined by a Stalinist culture (always hard to die!) In which dissent is banned.
Perhaps the acts of the Party in Rome there will still be the letters of formal notice to that circle of Eboli in 1997/98 was a real political laboratory (more than houses of the left! We we had already built!) in which the group leader, treasurer, half were fellow directors without a card.
But the section was always full. There was discussion.
Then all members, but only and always four friends at the bar!
Against this dramatic picture of the state party, a devastating electoral choices, I would expect the opening of a great season of listening to those who vote for us and voted us the most, of those workers who do not understand what ca .. or say (other than leaflets of the new secretary before the factory. Pathetic). But no! This conference seeks precipitation.
on opposing motions, on the other, plaster to debate and settle the score! No holds barred fight to "carve up" an empty shell.
We talked, and we continue to talk "to ourselves about ourselves"!
A transaction intended to recycle all of a leadership team that, today, beyond the motions of membership, is still all there.
Can I ask where is the news? But most of all: where is the analysis phase?
Can I ask what this has served to show vertical fracture if not the inability to "synthesis"?
I ask if at the end of this path quell'operaio that Congress did not understand or a ca .. now understand something of what we say?
Can I ask if this congress has served to left, PRC, the country?
I ask if the worker (again) understood what the motion proposes Vendola which meets on his own and starts parallel to the membership?
I ask the secretary if Ferrero continues to move ahead with "spot reports" low profile, rather than in-depth analysis of the phase, considered to rebuild a party?
And I can still ask what is the point that the Left in this country (all outside parliament, bent under the blows of the right and the Democratic Party who want to kick us by the European Parliament that all together do not reach the 5%) is divided in five or six small parties? E with the arrogance and the intent of suicide continue to be divided! Vendola wants Democratic Left but not Diliberto, Diliberto wants the PRC, but not the Democratic Left, Ferrando would just Ferrero, Ferrero, frankly, I did not understand who it wants to seek unity as it can not even meet with Vendola.
Dear comrades, I am not convinced.
On this road there is only the dissolution not only of the Communist Party of the PRC, not only of the Communist Left, but the Left as a whole.
I would like to invite you to stop.
to fix a lot of pause in the internal comparison, Chianciano as if there had never been, and now open the campaign is not listening wanted to run first. We laugh not so much the voice
to 45,000 members (Revelli is right: At least let's keep this data hidden miserable) lined and covered, but all her friends and classmates, members and non members, to those who voted and now no more, those who votarci and would not do it because we are disgusted by the combination, because the workers are the protagonists of the debate, not because they read a flyer, the precarious, women, the residual movements.
Removing the Congress!
dress ourselves by bringing into play all of humility.
We find the courage to get consensus and "farts" in the assemblies, in workplaces, in neighborhoods, in schools. We
to investigate the phase.
try to understand who we represent, what we need today.
I remain convinced of the historical necessity of building a "great left", which takes in everything that is not the Democratic Party, which should aim to build a mass organization, perhaps going beyond the arrangements of the parties' 900, but trying to take the best of those experiences: the ability to be "collective intellectual" and the like precious and unifying the labor movement, the inspiration of the moral issue as a way of understanding the role of the political autonomy of the project and its ability d consider the problem of social and political alliances, the ability to be, as Ross would say Rossanda "place of convergence of many lives, a dense fabric of wires often valuable," in which the Communists, rediscover the fun of building hegemony, if they have the capacity.
If not that, I think, we will reduce our waving red flags, while around the world is going through major upheavals that we fail to grasp since the Great Depression of the heart of the capitalist system. News
orchestra of the Titanic.
I realize that is not easy.
Way has followed to date, the division of the testimony, the pure and hard, is more comfortable, easier. But it does not pay. No need to build a 'other'.
I can only wish you. I
, Militan I was and will remain so.
continue to have the card in his pocket but with it there, in my heart of the old communist, now, the disillusionment.
For the rest I was a heretic in recent years, the exaltation of the misaligned Bertinotti - thought, I'll stay and heretical.
'd rather die like this, maintaining that the PCI taught me to be the most valuable asset a Communist: the autonomy of thought.

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Adasi - History of women's health in the same

My friend comes from Adasi Morocco and precisely by Ben Mellai. One day he entered office to ask for 'a bit of bread. " That required me disoriented, perhaps because it was a woman like me, almost my age.
the next few days I saw her often. When he has a small space of time you are free to sit next to my PC while I work and we chat. Learn early and quickly. E 'smart and willing.
the evening when the bread is baked in this old rickety coming from Morocco, I always carry a little 'to the office and I will gladly eat it in front of her, when it is still hot.
One day as we walked he asked me "Vitina, what it's like an idiot?" And My answer-question "why?" me: "Why does the lady where I worked always told me stupid, idiot, you and your mom made you."
The lady who called her an idiot is the same then he has not paid for work done at his home, just because Adasi, like all those like her, has no one may enforce its rights.
soon as the sun smiled on our Italy, here in Lampedusa and along our coasts again start to get the boats of hope.
And our leaders make them go without doing anything against those who exploit the hopes of these people. The brother of Adasi soon arrive.
He paid the modest sum of 6,000 Euro to a lender that has ensured the arrival in Italy, the residence permit and an employment contract. I told her: "Do not come, Adasi, tell him that life here is hard ... tell him that what he promised is untrue." But he will be the same and will be another human being who has sold some of the dreams as if they were reality. It will not have anybody that can defend when he needs because there is illegal, the state knows, but has no rights, is an invisible being. This was the case that their friend who lost two fingers on the job, but who have well educated if not in hospital where he had lost. And so it is Adasi that after a month of work on china sewing machine, enclosed in a private home (so the controls can not be) was told that she was not given the agreed amount because the work was done wrong.
During the season our lands hidden among the high ranks of the fruit, many non-precious ... for the owner until a certain time, after which no matter where you go and what to do. It does not matter if they have no where to wash, or a piece of bread to eat decently, The importance is that they are at the dawn of a new day at work, ready to work the land to fatten his pockets (or grease on her stomach. )
There is no free lawyer for these people, but there are speculators that horrible death on a practice whose compensation was € 110,000, call the assisted a compensation of 90,000 €, forgetting that the practice was for her husband's death and that the woman had been a cart of small children to raise.
do not know if Adasi has a future in Italy, I do not know if will ever see his child who has not seen for five years and that when he left clung to the dress and did not want to leave ... while the old father said: "Go my child, go find work and then return to pick ...!".
When I turn the web cam for her to talk with her in Morocco, I see his eyes fill with light the other ... part that people do a long journey to reach the place where they can make the link with Adasi, but the child is not .... And she hopes that every time there is, but then resigns himself to any connection and says "OK ... so, here comes the next time." But there is not even the next time and next to it still do not cry do not take him in front of that PC, and you know it.
I often wonder of our ways, or how to cook the cauliflower soup with potatoes ... I'm glad it part of our culture that she does not despise but rather appreciates. A culture that should not and can not replace her, but enrich it, as it should be. I know that she is equal to me, but not because she is a woman, or because under the veil has braided like mine: it is equal to me because we are all equal on this Earth.

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Piana del Sele - Hospitals meeting of Battipaglia and Eboli

Here we go again! With a nearly scientific returns the alarm in the Piana del Sele health! They close the hospitals in Battipaglia and Eboli. Dismantling departments. Six years ago the national press (L'Espresso), lists hospitals closing bell at risk and among these, of course, Eboli.
the growing public alarm. Arrive on time the protests. Declarations of war are wasted. It is noisy protests threaten by local representatives. On the other hand technicians, directors general and administrative, such as computers pitted crazy numbers and figures to show that the situation is not sustainable. As if the health, and I'll add the "Education" were matters to be addressed with the eye of the accountant.
a problem of overlap of the hospitals there is incontrovertible. But the data in the province of Salerno and Battipaglia exists only for Eboli is frankly unacceptable.
For years in the Campania region, and the province of Salerno was no exception, health policy was intended as the opening of new hospitals in the house of a "powerful" on duty. Do the list would be something not too difficult.
Reduce the issue of "hospitals overlaps with overlapping Battipaglia and Eboli is not only misleading but, I believe, dangerous as we're talking about principals production, with great development potential and with a user base of hundreds of thousands of people. Positivity is not seen elsewhere.
But the worst thing, however, is trying to solve everything with a problem of numbers and figures.
I believe that the problem is more of a financial nature that relates to the rationality and quality of public health response.
first question: can the whole health response should be centered on the garrison hospital? So even the "sneeze" should lead to hospitalization. And the choice to start up the districts, the principals of the network of health services that they did as a filter to the hospital?
Second question: Can some health benefits, or certain imaging techniques to pass exclusively through private arrangement? What percentage of the budget covering the conventions ASL Sa2 and what the public? And that policy of "balancing" strongly affirmed in the REGIONAL HOSPITAL PLAN what happened? That said, the province of Salerno in the hospital problem of duplication, the irrationality of the public health response is more obvious is probably true. So much so that during the debate in the regional council of Paine hospital, was on "Salerno question" who jammed the discussion.
Battipaglia and Eboli (and we also think of other presidents?) Are in a position to give an answer that goes in the direction of rationalization: the hospital one of the Sele plain. Located in the middle between the two cities with an interstate exit. A new structure, built with modern standards, which combines, enhances and celebrates the experience and expertise existing in the two existing principals. Without penalty. A structure that is eligible for reasons such as hospital self- capable of responding to emergencies in a huge area but also provide answers to excellence. There will discuss what this part of the Regional? Local government? ASL Sa2 direction? If this is the answers will be consequential:
1) the commissioner has in place funding, authorization and political will;
2) common to field planning and administrative procedures to allow the work.
3) The Director-General let loose closure of departments, humiliation or degradation of this or what the hospital. Then nothing the emergency closure of Gynecology Battipaglia or Eboli. Would only to exasperate the minds.

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privatized Beaches - Paying for believing

Clash on the plan for the management of public beaches. The project passed by a vote of the majority, but not that of the Communist Refoundation, who votes against, with the opposition. Outside of the council chamber, raised his voice Legambiente, announcing an appeal to the TAR. "We will do everything possible to ensure that the plan is rejected - the war drum is played by Pasquale Del Duca, manager of the section of Agropoli - Among other things, there is one thing that angers us: the regulation provides that the owners are favorites of land adjacent to the beaches, regarding requests for state concessions. A real fault. We oppose using the TAR. " Most sails, Legambiente try to cut them. The disappointments are many: "The plan does not cover the operation and maintenance of the areas that fall within the Park. We asked for the introduction of additional reasons for the withdrawal of concessions, but this panel was not accepted. We had submitted comments, we Legambiente. All have been rejected. The observations of fishermen, citizens, have the same fate. "
Paradoxically, the councilors of the People of Freedom party, and Emilio Mario Fishing Malandrino, have advanced demands "statist" requesting that at least forty percent of the beaches to remain in the availability of the municipality. Broke with the majority feeling, Legambiente found itself on the same positions of the center. Forty percent to the municipality, the rest to individuals. The center-left majority has given to the municipality, only 30 percent of beaches. Of this 30, 15 could be given, however, in management and non-profit associations and cooperatives, thus making it freely accessible, only 15 percent.
But the defect of Agropoli is not over. The center finds himself in the role of champion of the people: "We in the PDL have voted against the plan for beach management - explains Fishing - because we believe that the city council was wrong to reject all the comments from the public. We were in favor of maintaining 40 percent of public beaches. We believed that there were some beaches that might still be preserved as a traditionally frequented by the citizens of Agropoli. The beaches "jewel" in which the center is the beach of San Francesco and the rock salt. Areas also included in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, which, according to those who have opposed the plan, should be excluded. The people are particularly attached to the inlet of San Francisco. According to legend, from the top of the rock, which then emerges on the water, the saint preached to the fish. Center deaf to the requests. Legambiente, PDL and citizens raking in defeat. Goofy is on the ropes over compartment, a member of Rc. The President of the Council Commission and State Property Porto hoped to have more say. But his demands were ousted. For its part, does not dramatize compartment, but says seraphic: "The city administration has endorsed a political climate that does not share Rifondazione City." Continuing his sortie compartment has recovered the lost red nail polish, "At least 40 percent of the beaches would remain public, and no privilege was granted to landowners adjacent to the beaches." The story also spoke at the former mayor, Antonio Domini, "Trampling instances of fishermen is a choice incondivisibile. The municipality had to reserve 50 percent of the beach. The majority did not take even a few seats reserved for hoteliers. It goes against the very development of tourism. Hoteliers should be given priority in the request for concessions at least for laying umbrellas, in proportion to the number of rooms. "

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public announcement and direct calls - The mess at the Multiservice

Here we go again. With the smears. Lies. The foolishness in spades. The CISL two blocks to the direct recruitment Multiservizi. "Just our customers." Subscribe. The quixotic Melchionda mayor mumbles: "The Multiservice makes assumptions only by public announcement." However, stuff you would not believe. The question naturally arises. But the mayor of Eboli, in August 2008 on the island which was unknown when the sea reached 10 Parking "hired" by the Multiservice? Question: we can see the public notice by which, in August and September, were provided with scratch card bib and other parking lots along the avenue and in Piazza Amendola Titus Flavius \u200b\u200bSilva? Raise a little 'voice, Mr. Mayor. Can you show us the cards. We like transparency. The Multiservice assumes only by public announcement, the mayor swears. Too bad that no one has yet understood. Neither has explained to Daniel Bonelli, Raffaele Marotta, the only two Multiservice unemployed, remained so for "prescription" direct call. Bonelli and Marotta have been called to Palasele in late September. On October 1, had to take service. It 'happened to several other people before them. But something went wrong. While Corset squabble with Sergio Petrillo on the property of the PDL, insulting the other party with right-handed racial phrases, Bonelli and Marotta who were summoned to Palasele? Why Bonelli Marotta and shouted for several days the name of Cosimo Cicia Melchionda councilor and asked them to keep the promise of employment? It was not logical to blame Carmine Countryside, Councillor for Public Works, for the delegation that? Why does the City Council could not Need Peppe the 10 new parking in the center of Eboli? There has been a call, idleness need not have read. To fix that, then, in the presence of the writer, Need to asked a young parking attendant employed "but who has taken you to work?". Candide and innocent, Gianluca Via Ripa replied: "He has called the town". Congratulations for the public notice, crystalline mayor. The letter from the CISL which blocked the direct employment, when she arrived? Why Giulio Chiapparone, careful trade unionist, known intake of Marotta and Bonelli, and she says mayor of being ignorant? But really the Multiservice took 10 or more parking attendants without her knowing nothing? Why Bonelli and Marotta attending the Palasele several days before the ousted on October 1? Why CISL Salerno has blocked these two assumptions when you say that the Multiservice had never made? The scratch card to the valet who has given them to him? € And the two on the beach in August, to those who have paid? Who told Bonelli, the Palasele, going to work to the playground via Adinolfi, and Marotta had to go to the cemetery, on behalf of Multiservizi? Marotta Bonelli and continue to point the finger at her, against Cicia against Naponiello. We should think that these two "fools" have invented everything. We should also think it's crazy, CISL, from Salerno were wrong to send the fax? On the boulevard and behind the common those in action are not parking, but street artists who came up with a job? And who has promised to Bonelli taking Sarim in June? Who, in the presence of the lawyer Belmonte, Bonelli was told "you have not been included in the list of recruitment policy?" Bonelli's crazy, you think, Mr. Mayor. His lawyer, Belmonte, should be locked up? Explain yourself, Mr Melchionda. And it also explains the Democratic Party, to Joseph Need, surprised by all these assumptions Multiservice direct call. The treatment of Bonelli and Marotta are right in principle. But before them, what happened? In August and September will assume direct call, to October an elusive public announcement?

Multiplication Chart With 1-30

These loafers ! - Each building has its own ghost

There is an old comedy in which a certain Pasquale and family go to live a building to prove that ghosts do not exist. But instead of being seen out on the balcony often happy and smiling, communicates Pasquale, the only person with whom he speaks from the balcony (or 'teacher), but there's a ghost in her house and is also very generous.
Pasquale chose the road more comfortable, less challenging, more immediately rewarding, and never mind if it means not seeing the stark and harsh reality deeply convinced that "people" is right in that building ghosts exist. (... ... At Eboli immediately shook ghosts)

Others, today, are to occupy another building to handle public affairs. But rather than take action to improve efficiency and service quality continuously communicate to all that things do not work. Also here is much more comfortable role change, change from those who must give answers to those questions is, "people" is right: things do not work ... ... you have to resign. (... ... At Eboli, the Mayor has always said that the situation is dramatic but still does not do anything)

The antifannullonismo said it was time to stop these attempts to improve public administration: health care does not work, the school does not form, the municipalities do not provide services, then fired, not stabilize, paghiamoli little as possible. Never mind whether to pay the consequences are always the people: both those charged also "small cases" of poor service, private: Alitalia, mozzarella dioxin, fake wine, watered-down gasoline, etc..
Enough with the sophistry of these inclusive processes, citizen satisfaction, organizational wellness, in which we spend money unnecessarily. (.... Eboli we removed the URP citizens hiding at the end of a path without guidelines)
At this rate it will also eliminate the players of dishes Symphony Orchestras. Why do we have to pay a professional only to whisk a couple of times throughout a symphony two round discs of bronze? You can not delete, so does not see anyone, these measures almost useless, so we save? (... ... .. We have already blown up at Eboli Vissi d'Arte)

We are at the corner. So far, the slogan of the League of proposals never become law, and some attempt has never found the consent of Parliament.
Now, safe in the election result, one begins to imagine by those who govern us that the slogan can become law. The policy and governance is dictated by the things that "people" (in line broad and strict manner) thinks.

An example of this is offered by the rules antifannulloni. If you are a public servant that you can not really get sick, you can not really see you having a relative in difficulty, it is impossible that you engage in work you do. Then curtailed his salary when you're sick and not to renew the expired contracts has long been an act of justice. In short, since it does not work at least you do not pay or will pay less. And I try not to understand how the skills could be used better, so still no work, no one understands anything. (... .. At Eboli was reached apotheosis: now we have tried to remove all those who had acquired a minimum of professionalism from the place where they could exercise it)
's why it is thought likely to form the parliament through an internal selection to the parties and not with politicians chosen by the people (other category): no longer need to draw political choices and development needs and comparing the needs of different areas and belonging. You just have to translate into legislative text that "the people" he says, being careful not to contravene constitutional rules and EU (... ... ... .. so we were finally able to make a simplification!).

Create Your Own Wwe Wrestleling

Umberto Nobile - From the North Pole Eboli

In the night between 11 and 12 April of 1926 the Norge airship flying over the North Pole. Umberto Nobile go down in history as the first man to go beyond the Pillars of Hercules of the twentieth century. From where anyone, even if many of us have tried, failed to arrive. Two years later he tries again, this time by means which were all Italians. Italy Airship Design, plan your journey through uncharted routes and schedule a landing on the ice of the Pole. But May 24, 1928, at 10:30, something is wrong, and because a strong storm, the airship crashed into Italy on the packs of the Arctic Ocean. The deck is anchored to the ground, while the envelope of the airship, the huge "balloon" flies into thin air, bringing with them six of the sixteen people involved in the shipment. Of that ball, and those people hanging on her lap, there was never heard, and no one knows, still nothing. Nobile and his companions take refuge in a tent, red-colored because it is visible to rescuers. By sending a radio signal for help for days, knocking on the doors of the civilized world for someone to help them. Within
initiatives Fair of SS. Cosmas and Damian, a conference was held, included in the project: "Eboli, the great men", which saw the figure of the general character of the ice, Umberto Nobile. A moment of crucial importance with speakers of the highest prestige national and international level, which Mr Abdon Alinovi, the engineer Luigi Pascale, Captain Franco Masini and family of General Nobile. A crucial moment to make known to all, children and adults, this figure eclectic and brilliant, far and yet so close to us. Eclectic because Noble contributed to many discoveries including the first parachute italiano.Geniale for her insights. Away for his trip to the Pole, lands unknown until then. Close to us because Noble, basically, was a ebolitano.
Eboli were his parents, who in the period of its birth were to Lauro for work. And at Eboli, the young Umberto Nobile spent his childhood. And 'here that preserves his best memories. And these roads are, and these villages will forever in his heart. Forty-eight days on the ice
resist the men of the Red Tent. So they put us up for help to reach them. Noble only be able to return sooner, and this will cost you dearly. Back in Italy he is convicted of the first to leave the red tent. Nobile, who actually had a few demerits, if any, will pay since his studies and his research out of Italy, the Soviet Union. Until the war ends, the regime is defeated, and the Republic is born. The general then returned to Italy, is in the process of formation of the new Italian state. E ' elected in the Constituent Assembly, as an independent in the PCI. From the ashes of fascism was the time to redo Italy: Noble if not pulled back.
There are men who leave their mark wherever they go. Noble was one of those. A strong personality, able to be severe and comprehensive at the same time. A professor capable of putting an entire class of students, without second thoughts. An inventor with the defect of the adventure, the experience of an essay. A loving father and generous with advice, so close to his only daughter and a reference point for his grandchildren. An animal conviction, inseparable from his dog Titina, who always accompanied him, in polar expeditions until the official meetings.

Lpso Cheats That Are Not Used

wastes and waste

From the website of the City of Eboli I read that the administration, by resolution of City Council 266, 30.8.2007, granted the patronage to the formation of a band that will be named "Band Music City of Eboli "and will be conducted by Cosimo Panico.
During cleaning of the church of San Lorenzo, where he was preparing an exhibition of painting, the friend Vitina country in a small inner room, she found piled on the ground divided the newly-formed band, the music stands, now rusty .
What will become of all that material? Who will now dare to wear uniforms moldy?
few months ago they completed the work of the church of Our Lady of Loreto containing beautiful frescoes. The work funded by the superintendent and 'really egregious.
long we are appealing to the sense of protecting the site administrators for protecting coverage by vandals or thieves. Meanwhile, the place and 'become a open dump.
We cry, slamming his feet, and we make enemies of them? Sheltering behind the lack of funds actually manifest their utter arrogance and indifference toward these topics, but then trumpeting from the rooftops the various projects for the cultural revival of the city. Hypocrites!
It 's the same old story "nothing lot and I want to know anything, no worries because we live better. "
I'm not there and slam in the face of self-righteous hypocrites and opportunists to the harsh reality of large and small abuse, waste and much more.
I mirror I keep looking at me ... and also with a little 'pride, I do not know how many others can say the same.

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Comply With President

The city of' Giugliano thanked Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, his subjects and, with them, Mayor John Pianese for thinking once again to our territory as a place that must 'accommodate the fifth incinerator in the Campania region: we needed it.
Below are the dumps (Ex quarry), all regional and the facilities are in the area of \u200b\u200bGiugliano.
Giugliano in Campania:
- farm dump pit;
- extension farm of a well Naples, Napoli 2, Napoli 3;
- landfill Slaves;
- landfill Novambiente;
- landfill Giuliani;
- landfill Resit Resit 1 and 2 ;
- landfill Settecainate;
- landfill Pozzolana Flegrea;
- former landfill quarry White;
- ecoballe temporary storage site for "Taverna del Re" since December 2005, her BEGINNING, has undergone four expansions and is still function;
- bordering with the site of the king's tavern there 'the temporary storage site of Villa Literno "The town often, today seized;
- 14 ecoballe platforms at the landfill in town Dell'Aversana Resit;
- 3 platforms ecoballe Giuliani at the landfill;
- 2 platforms at the landfill ecoballe Colonial shaft;
- CDR former production facility;
- gas turbine power plant;
- in the immediate border Pozzuoli purifier Cuma;

- Alma landfill (landfill and this' between the territory of Villaricca and that of quality);
- Recount landfill, such as:
- landfill Maiuli;
- Alma landfill.

15 years of receivership in the town of Giugliano in Campania has hosted 15 million tonnes of waste from all over the Campania region in front of only 800 000 tonnes that the town of Giugliano produced in these 15 years.
scattered throughout the territory of Giugliano have been counted more than 30 small and medium-sized landfill of toxic and hazardous waste.
We apologize for any inaccuracies, but the list is' definitely now estimated to default and not to excess.

... and to make matters worse comes the incinerator!
collection and clearly waste separation and dry - wet not even talk about it!

Mutiplycation Chart 100x100

popular sovereignty referendum in Vicenza

is approaching the date of the referendum against the U.S. military base in Vicenza.
Referendum already opposed by Prodi, which took no account of popular demand, and now by Mr Berlusconi, who seriously considered inappropriate because the referendum could not relate the two matters of foreign policy and defense. But Berlusconi also has a friendship with Bush, that is with a character that the whole world has condemned as guilty of crimes against humanity, war that has caused the unjust treatment of prisoners. But first, here

involved other reasons:
1. One reason for homeland security, that the presence of a U.S. military base at stake, especially in these times of terrorism.
2. One reason for consistency with the Constitution that rejects war, and therefore also reject cooperation with those who wage war, the supply of land means that lead to war. This happens in Vicenza.

There is also the foundation of all the principle of popular sovereignty, which politicians willingly disregard, but rather must be the bearers and performers.
Any decision concerning a territory can not be taken except in accordance with the people occupying it. And the agreement must be first, not after. We have seen the error Scanzano, who led a revolt, and that of TAV in Valdisusa. And even in the complex issue of waste in Campania, the interview and the agreement should never be lacking, however, having eliminated the interference mafia.
Lecce, 29 September 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Does Female Ejaculate Show Up In Black Light?

Regina Beatrice della Scala

Regina Beatrice della Scala (Sant'Angelo Lodi, 1333 - Milan, June 18, 1384) was the eldest daughter of Mastino II della Scala (1308 - 1351), Lord of Verona , Vicenza, Padua, Parma, Brescia and Lucca, and Taddeo di Carrara.
He had three brothers, Cangrande ( 1332 - 1359 ) Cansignorio (1340 - 1375) and Paul Alboino (1343 - 1375), which were all Gentlemen of Verona and Vicenza from 1351 until 1375.
September 27 1350, she married, as planned in 1345, Bernabo Visconti, partner and then successor, together with Matteo and Galeazzo (two imperial vicars lords of Milan), Giovanni Visconti of ( 1290 - 1354 ). He lived in Milan since the building of San Giovanni in Conca, gave birth to fifteen children, five males and ten females
Taddea (Milan, 1351 - Monaco di Baviera, 28 September 1381) married in 1364 Duke Stefano III of Bavaria-Ingolstadt
Verde (Milan, 1352 - 1414) married in 1365 Leopold III of Habsburg
Marco (November 1353 - Milan, January 3 1382) Lord of Parma, in 1367 he married Isabella of Bavaria-Landshut
Ludovico ( 1355 - March 7 1404) , Governor and Lord of Parma and Governor of Lodi married Violante Visconti Valentina
(Milan, 1357 - summer 1393), married in 1378 Peter II, king of Cyprus
Rodolfo ( 1358 - 1389), lord of Pavia
Carlo (1359 - 1403), Lord of Parma, in 1382 he married Beatrice d'Armagnac, daughter of the Count of Armagnac
Antonia (Milan, 1360 - March 26 Stuttgart 1405), married Eberhard III of Württemberg in 1380
Catherine (Milan, 1362 - Monza , October 17, 1404), married in 1380 Gian Galeazzo Visconti Duke of Milan;
Agnes ( 1363, December 1391 ), married in 1380 Francesco I Gonzaga Lord of Mantua, who died decapitated;
Maddalena (Milan, 1366 - Burghausen, July 17 1404), married in 1381 Frederick II of Bavaria-Landshut
Gianmastino (1370 - 1405), Lord of Bergamo and Ghiara d'Adda, married in 1385 Cleofe della Scala, daughter of Anthony The Lord of Verona
Lucia (ca. 1372 - England, April 14 1424) married in 1407 Edmund Holand, 4th Duke of Kent, Elizabeth
(Milan, ca. 1374 - Monaco di Baviera , February 2 1432), married in 1395 Ernesto Monaco of Bavaria-
Anglesio (ca. 1377 - October 12 1439) married around 1400 John II, ruler of Cyprus.
Queen was a clever policy, so that ruled large estates and treated early with her husband in exchange for possession of certain lands in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Garda . He led troops into battle against even some relatives.
died in 1384 and was buried in Milan crypt in San Giovanni in Conca next to her husband. The most important woman erected at La Scala Milan the Church of Santa Maria della Scala , from which he later named the Teatro alla Scala .

Adapted from Wikipedia

How To Make A Krusteaz Crepe

Church of Santa Maria della Scala

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thin Woman With Big Boobs

You can not - between party, farce and tragedy

You can not commemorate a tragedy in Sicily, with six days late. And forget his condolences to the families of two swimmers died at Eboli. You can not give an agreement with two engineers friends, wasting money for the lifeguards beaches. You can not say "the investigation on waste is historically wrong." The only mistake is that uttering "blasphemy." You can not extol the pedestrian zone, and withdraw to the event later. You can not delete Vissi d'Arte for clones Gigi D'Alessio. You can not give the culture councilor of the PRC, and put the guard dog of the Democratic Party. We can not promise a yard in every neighborhood on Saturday before the election and meeting again after two months without a bulldozer in action. You can not gloat on the beaches that open, forgetting the 250 abuse uncovered by the harbor master at Eboli. You can not ridicule the administration with a constant comparison with the past. You can not say that it is permissible for seven years a scaffold in front of the town. You can not remove water from the fountains of the center, leaving them at the mercy of vandals. You can not persecute, to talk, prostitutes, to achieve a first page of the newspaper. You can not say everything is fine when you are in a cage of hungry lions (the PD). You can not mimic the sheriff mayor, dreaming of taking his own votes. You can not run a city, buying the estimation of its employees. You can not claim victory on differentiated, with the disgust that we see for Eboli. You can not tell you the account and the neocesarismo rifondaroli arbitration on everything. You can not embrace a youth site, and trample on equal opportunities for women. Can not be described as a genius engineer who is a cost 350 000 €. And there came a soup to warm Conte thirty years old. You can not nothing to celebrate and publicize the vacuum of ideas. For fear that fucking with the past. To return or not, come on, you can not lose as much decorum.

Writing A Tv Programme Proposal

The past that comes back - "L 'nightmare' Councillor Campaign

softens the letter and I understand that a councilor of Eboli sent to 100 steps, which tries to shed some 'mud on him whom he calls "the ghost".
I understand that, because the foolishness of this administration (including the story of Coda di Volpe is the ultimate sensational event!) Is translating into a long and intense campaign for the ghost.
So much so that you have read in the press and has not been denied, it would seem that the mayor has asked his advisors to "quail" something, threatening to send them home.
that "the Councillor with the Ghost" runs the risk himself of becoming a "ghost." I am
tenderness, because Read the spawning of "throwing mud", engages in the difficult art of climbing on the mirrors, however, certainly not within his reach. But the attempt had to be done.
They needed a "Carneades" will try to make sense of the "empty programmatic and administrative action," the councilor with the ghost was slain.
Of course, considering that we start from another village, should have been an attempt to answer the question that the "ghost" puts readers in the 100 steps of February, but that people pose to the Mayor for months, because the underground parking lot to the Village?
"The commissioner with the ghost" did not respond to citizens in the People's Assembly, referring people to talk to the technicians for a response which, however, is entirely political, and is careful not to respond now.
The "empty", in fact. But
intervention "the councilor with the ghost" deserves a close examination of the merits, given that climbing on the glass will dress the character of the reconstruction of the story ebolitana policy.
Forget it, of course, the injuries that belong to a significant drop in style, but each has its own style and political culture.
I belong to a culture, never repudiated or renounced, the policy that considers something high and noble, so those who chose the basement level of the comparison as it should be left alone, to meditate in front of the mirror to see if the opinions expressed on other non-sock with a brush, first of all to himself.
Our "ghost with the commissioner" in his article makes some lapidary statements, on which clarifications are made:
1) The Socialists were in power at Eboli until April 1993, given that it also proceeds by sharp statements on the data.
2) The socialists leave the town with "40 million € of works", the 'ghost with the assessor "should add an adjective: unfinished. The wish list? Palasele and Stadio Dirceu (60% and a litigation billion) to the local market Molinello; Library district Pescara Pescara district town hall, reconstruction of the Old Town (where the project is a junta which the Socialists were out !) recovery in the Old Town Hall St. Francis, fruit and vegetable market of San Nicola Varco ecc.ecc.ecc.ecc ....! The 'assessor with the ghost also forgets to mention that in 1993 when the Socialists went away, the town of Eboli had € 15 billion of debts (the ones we were all there, other than the "hole" in 2005 also referred to the commissioner with the ghost speaks, unless it is refuted by the accountants!) so much so that the council Morrone in 1994 he had to declare insolvency (not for her debts!) from which we came out in 1999 with the quote on the "Sole 24 ore". To these were added about € 5 million in debt off-balance sheet resulting from litigation lost.
3) 250 apartments after reconstruction. "The commissioner with the ghost, perhaps thinking of those with and without compressed cardboard roof drainage system on which to place them, were spent between 1996 and 2004 more than 1.6 billion euro, and they were used to eliminate the pre-fabricated past 10 years would have disappeared. But in 1996 they were still there, with his own sense of degradation and human beings with his own people forgotten. And to erase this shame, this is something that should be mentioned, were built between 1996 and 2004 more than 200 apartments with all assigned rankings. Today, there are no prefabricated!
4) Schools and kindergartens, "the councilor with the ghost, perhaps, also refers to the nursery took a Communist Councillor in the fifties and for which the name of an amusement park (now closed by this administration to make a parking lot , which already in 1993 lost about 3 billion pounds, the face of the child care!). But maybe "the commissioner with the ghost" refers to the second building V. Judge in the square, which had to defend ebolitani, making it binding, by whom (the socialists?) Wanted to throw it down to a parking lot? And in 1996 was still ruin. Or the school district Longobardi Pescara used as a department of orthopedics, which in 1996 was still a ruin (in the face of interest in the suburbs!). Or perhaps, "the councilor with the ghost," want to refer to the approximately seven billion Euros spent between 1996 and 2004 for the school system (and already there could explain why do not you rebuild the elementary school to the Village. Also for attention to neighborhoods?). Or maybe you want to remember the nursery of the district, the establishment of school canteens, or free books ever established between 1996 and 2004?
5) The sewerage and water supply. Perhaps "the commissioner with the ghost wanted to refer to neighborhoods not served and who are today because with the" ghost "has been made hundreds of kilometers of water supply and sanitation, have been placed all the tanks were made of rings supply network in order to rationalize the distribution of water, seven wells have been eliminated on eight to improve water quality in homes, has placed the purifier Serracapilli and has started the discussion on the air cleaner of the industrial zone!
6) Lighting: hence perhaps the commissioner with the ghost refers to the approximately 10 million € between 1996 and 2004 to give light to the Historic Centre, the epitaph on Casarsa to Serracapilli, St. John, in Fontanelle to Grataglie, Via Mirabella, in Taverna Nova, Santa Cecilia, the coastal industrial area, all'Aversana, Torre dei Rai and here ecc.ecc.ecc.ecc ... ....
7) Law on reconstruction here, "the councilor with the ghost," would do well to requests to Dr. Bozzi, head of the Ministerial Law 219/81, for did not want to talk more with the town of Eboli (August 1996: "Eboli is the only municipality in Italy, where it seems that I want to give me the money and the returns!") and what action had been made until 1996. Then he could control from 1997 to 2003 why the town of Eboli is the most awarded in the carryover of funds.
8) The PUAD here, "the councilor with the ghost," admits a fact, however, important to 2005 assignments were made on the beach lots. You simply tell the recipients to leave with the strands. And 'choice was made by the current administration, losing three years! And anyway, "the councilor with the ghost could answer the question that three years is given to its administration and received no answer, but the beaches since 2005 opened on our beaches are all in order? Simple question simple dear "councilor with ghost!
9) PRG, here it appears that calling "tafazziona" the councilor with the ghost, who forget that the Master Plan of Eboli became operational in December 2004. It was for the current administration to take the detailed. Not even a was adopted. Even those of service (hospital area?) The responsibility of the municipality. On the other hand you plan dismantled the office, makes a variant useless after three years of litigation just to attack the zone setting, allow second homes along the coast (about the type of tourism development) and fix some "mischief" (attic?). "The commissioner with the ghost" of course you forget to say that the old PRG was dated 1972 and is now unusable, what had been decided that only the detailed "alderman with the ghost" the burden to find out what the affected area. And speaking of PRG, "the councilor with the ghost," he could tell the story of the variation in project finance, and why those consistent with the PRG will not be approved.
10) On the PIP, also dated 1972 before the new regulations, would Interestingly, "the councilor with the ghost, we explain how the art of Regulation .17. Since time does not make a call? But above all it fails to explain why, in the industrial area since 1972 had risen homes of all types for which a factory was not in condition to arise.
11) Multiservice On, "the councilor with the ghost," does not explain why Eboli was one of the few towns that has stabilized all his LSU (over 120!) And why the Multiservice were not passed all the services provided by resolution of the City Council in 2004: school cafeterias, public lighting, refuse collection, park maintenance, organization of events.
12) on the reductions, "the councilor with the ghost" is a maximum of self. I'll just ask in the seventies and eighties, while 472 houses were built on state property terms (those upstream of the coast are thousands!) Possible that the City has not seen? The redevelopment project area was: Plan of the Costa del Sele, with common Pontecagnano, Bellizzi, Battipaglia and Capaccio. It is I who wonder what happened to that plan prepared by prof. Forte! Meanwhile on the area were carried out: public lighting, the bike path, the redevelopment of the areas vacated by the squatters, the work on the "little house Red. " O "ghost with the commissioner, public works employee, has dreamed of having made him the works for about 10 million €?
13) on accommodation in the old "ghost with the commissioner, from where you forget that project. From 1996 to 2004 these houses, whose project was already executive, have been built and more than 52 apartments already sold. Today the administration is an old town that is standing. In 1993 he was an abandoned ruin. We find the churches open for worship in 1993 was closed St. Nicholas, St. Anthony was shut, S. Cosimo was a small ruin and, wanting to speak of antiquity, San Vito al Sele was a ruin. San Lorenzo was a ruin, the climb Ripicella was half destroyed, roads were walled up, the floor was torn up, there were, again, the ruins of World War II, the streets were dark, there was no water, there was no sewer there was no methane. Today there is a resource that is taking off.
14) on the houses of the Village (formerly Fort Apache), "the councilor with the ghost" and without memory, forgets to say that those funds were tied to those dwellings; that this intervention made it possible to resolve definitively the problem of prefabricated that the Socialists had inherited. The square was not made simply because it expected the renovation work Fort Apache, completed in 2004. But if "the commissioner with the ghost" looks at the card program will find the entry. Rather, "the councilor with the ghost" should answer the question asked in another letter on the 100 steps, because the traffic lights were not turned away Paparone?
15) Finally, "the councilor with the ghost" is about the unity of the Left, without specifying which left speak. The one that ran in 2006 for policies with Berlusconi? One whose secretary said Veltroni not be a party of the Left? In fact since 1996 the socialists were autoesclusi, why not share the program left to the government, so much so that you are presented with their candidates for the position of (I must remember the names?). So I conclude
allowing me to give advice, "the councilor with the ghost: a story with slogans simplify administrative policy is reductive and what belongs to the poverty of politics.
should ask before giving evaluations.
Otherwise it runs the risk of continuing to make the campaign a ghost that is haunting Eboli, who could become the worst nightmare "for" Phantom of the commissioner, which could ritrovarselo Mayor of Eboli. Councillor
Meditate, meditate.

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'O Sheriff' and 'fressolla - (or the legality sauce ebolitana)

Our "sheriff with the tricolor flag" was sleeping on the roof of city hall. In order to better watch over ebolitani. With his hat pulled down over his eyes and his hand on the butt of his "Colt 45". John Wayne in his comparison would make the figure of the "puveriello.
He was dreaming of riding his black stallion "Furia horse in the west" and (as did the "cowboys" when moving herds of cows) to round up whole groups of "Moroccan" and, firing into the air to push the boundaries with "Mexico" (in our case Capaccio!), fording the river "Colorado" (in our case the Sele!). In Meanwhile a 10 km a "Moroccan" argues with a Roma; loses patience and play a "fressolla" on the head.
The sound is awful! Someone spoke of "atomic explosion" perhaps supported a nostalgic Nazi skinheads, if retrieved the theories of Lombroso to figure out what's in the head of a Roma, we would understand the incredible acoustic phenomenon. The people of the Plains
woke with a start is holed up in a hurry in the shelters - atomic, specially built. Of course they had to talk about "farm buildings" because a PRG signed "Joseph Stalin" he forbade the building (thank goodness now have "changed", if not, not even the "twin towers" at Eboli you could do!). Surely someone has too much: two or three stories, seven or eight rooms. But if you take refuge in a full nuclear strike, at least consentiamogli to be comfortable! Nonsense! Now comes the "ghost" that disturbs the sleep of the assessor and talk about illegal. Just as well that even her party talks, he took a turn as a figure, "777" (not the brand of condoms is the number of votes taken by the left April 13), a huge success. (It seems that someone has proposed adding two to that figure 7, but then gave up, because the voters ebolitani would be lower than that number). The explosion
'r' to fressolla "the head of the Roma, alarm clock, the sheriff. He is forced to stop the "transhumance" of the "Moroccan" falls on a seat (bad luck! And if it fell from the chair?) "Fury" rears. A casino, that is.
Sheriff s'incazza: enough is enough! Sti 'Moroccans have broken the "balls"!
said than done! Grab the "45" liquid ink and leave the same night in the "letters" to the Minister of the Interior, the President of the Regional Council, the Prefect, the Police, the Commander of the police. Someone wondered if the letter was also addressed to the army, but that is the "ghost" the councilor, then no text. More worrying is the "roommate" to the City, which has been asked if the letter was also sent to the UN.
The content of the message is clear, as is binding on "Wyat Earp" (Gunfight at the OK Corral!): Dozens of Moroccans, drunk, attacked the workers of the shipyard, with the obvious intention of blocking the work of primary interest (the GACP so hard that we are trying to pass off a shopping mall!). Intervene immediately and cleared "the Moroccan camp" (St. Nicholas Varco). Salerno is frightening, but you want to see who has rebuilt his recurring dream, the one that leads the assault on the country's prisons, to withdraw the 10 Moroccan jailed for drinking a beer, and waiting for the court, and take the law if the "rope and soap, as it was to" Tomstone "in the Old West!
But the "sheriff with the tricolor flag" can not call the band gap would be that much ahead. As members of his majority. Do not want to do as Mr Salerno, who was "paccaro" by a "bitch."
And then retreats in meditation. Some swear they saw him on the roof of city hall in the yoga position of the "lotus", as if to get away from the world. Two days and then a scream disrupts the quiet course of life ebolitana "I have found."
Once again, quick as lightning, in the hands of the "sheriff with the tricolor flag, appears" colt 45 - blue ballpoint ink liquid "and this time it's an order. Addressed to: "a whore" and "paccarea" sheriffs.
A stroke of genius! That "paccarea" the sheriff Salerno, and that the ebolitano launched a public challenge, to be held at dawn, on the coast of Eboli. People are already on the edge of the platform to assist to duel!
When you say "tenge 'and balls!
The ordinance states: valid for the entire municipality, but primarily to the coast where he was spotted the dangerous "bitch." Who will stop the car to deal with "sexual performance" is punished! Who has indicated his intention to become a prostitute is punished! Those who offend the common decency with his way of dressing is punished! Of course the usual quirky never fail. Arrive on time the "ghost councilor" to break:
1) but the pimps, pimps, exploiters, they ended up? But we are sheriffs mica factotum. One thing at a time!
2) But if one stops the bicycle, is fined? No, those are Moroccans and there act with the decree Maroni. With the Mercedes and SUVs and locals.
3) But to know if one has stopped to negotiate the price as you do? The cop approaches, and knocks on the window, touching the brim of his hat, asks: "Excuse me, you are treating a sexual performance?"
And if that's the girl's boyfriend, "then that is not a bitch," replied "And who he?" Do not worry! It appears that the security assessor (I swear it's there. I know that no one noticed it, but only for distraction!) Has already done: every guy that comes on the territory ebolitano must get a proper document that must be engraved the fingerprints of his girlfriend. In the textbook case of the above, the officer simply compare the fingerprints with those of the document the type of girl who was talking and everything becomes clear.
Two birds with one "bean" (it should say): on the one hand, we can say, "Maroni makes us not care!" And the other a further nod to the church, other than de facto couples. At Eboli miss the betrayals between boyfriends are possible: zero tolerance!
4) and if the fighters are a girl in a bikini, a camp that is coming down the coast road to the beach to the bathroom? And if the evening the firemen stopped a group of girls who walk on the bike path in short skirts and tops? What are the stop and the fines for indecency? Or ask, "Excuse me, but she's a whore? There seem to sway too much and put too much lipstick! "There could be near his father, or husband or boyfriend. And if they are also for zero tolerance? ". Do not worry, even here the commissioner to safety, now a star, is taking the appropriate countermeasures. There are those who swear to have already seen! Soon under the license plate that says "Marina di Eboli", will place a sign bearing the following notice: "you shall for women who pass through or stopping in the territory of Eboli, even to swim, wear the full burka in every public appearance! Any non-compliance will be punishable by stoning. "
And then tell us that we are not a land "ethnic": we have assumed Islamic customs and traditions. What more do you want? The only problem, it seems, is represented by her, "'a whore" by the blow easily, learned the order, is looking for the "sheriff ebolitano" with the tricolor flag. But do not worry, the diligent safety commissioner has already done for the armed escort (4 Iraq veterans contractor. Mica dumb! Moreover, a more in agreement either way ... the only problem is the same as a card in his pocket should have the gunmen?
Poor Eboli! If I were fire
arderei the world

I Think Am In Love Quotes

People and Policy - A day of madness

Arriving at Battersea we often wonder, but the housewife Battipagliese, the local professional, employee stress, lazy colleague, the worker fordizzato, what they think in their daily two hours, immersed in traffic? And do not imagine a possible failure in air-conditioned car, what causes. But politicians do not give a tube Battipagliese traffic. The problem is the fluctuating numbers of spurious majority. Since the decree
Pinochet banish some of the wiretaps, we try to imagine the face of Battipagliese, green as the Hulk, while looking for a parking lot, "edge", should they find themselves in the hands of local political phone calls recorded.
Imagine a home without styling, with a child who has broken the chair on the back of a classmate, while reading a request from the mayor and his allies Barlow: "Please, keep me afloat, I'm your mayor, not we can come back to vote after a miserable year or so. " And imagine the lawyer abandoned by a wealthy client, hijacked by a crafty colleague, who has just lost a case in court, does not even have money for petrol, and the law of mess-ups in the Democratic Party ... if you go to the Secretary Cuomo and Vito Antonio Egidio Santese or Mirra and Salvatore Anzalone? Put yourself in the shoes of the user of the post office most of Europe, the Middle East. Sti poor bastards in line will be torn by doubt if it is more intelligent Egidio Myrrh to support the mayor and / or smarter to Santese Barlow would like to store?
Let's explore the imagination of a child. Between a representation of the brothers and politics Battipagliese Ferraiolo, you will notice a difference? Sure, Battipagliese will also lay a sacrosanct hesitation: "Maronna or mine, but it is, we voted for Berlusconi and Veltroni Mayor Barlow governs?".
Subject Madonna every man for himself. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cdr, especially where it goes mad for bad odors. The manager has had some legal problems, the eco-bales are still out, still commands Bertolaso, despite the filth came out of the interceptions. But, dear politicians, what hope the people have to die near the CDR? Sometimes you go back to talk about urban design, high-voltage wire stuff. Battipaglia has been built with their feet. And 'the negation of all the books on architecture. Sack after sack, is a cluster of houses. By businessmen with no taste. But in a conference on tourism and a joke of Schettino, has anyone noticed a discrepancy? In coastal municipalities are closed down to the sea. There was no one. Even the ambulance. In the case of SOS, called the helicopter. Among private abuse, hyper forgiven, and political nonsense, the sea is tinged with yellow Battipaglia sewer between the dewatering of the lake (no swimming) and the mouth of Tuscia (ban here too). Lele Mora The prize goes to those who have built the pool. Not for himself and his family. But for swimmers in the sea. One goes to sea, but he takes a bath in the pool. If Battipagliese not want to be devoured by erythema have no choice. Bathrooms chlorine, a summer high blood pressure. There is a novelty, though. A debate, city council, it was concluded. The only hospital between Battipaglia and Eboli will. The two duplicates are discarded. We hope that passes through the fear, for an eye examination, take the first board. The Battipagliese turn up their noses, the hospital will not be born only tomorrow. And now imagine the civil war for the title from him. Who will be dedicated, the hospital only? A Matteo Ripa or Ferdinand of Bourbon? It will be distributed as overtime and promotion policies? The ultra Battipaglia or Eboli can choose to take shelter in the pavilion or in the wing Battipagliese ebolitana?